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See YOUR ad on the radio!

Our station is offering Quu, a technology enabling us to display text and images about your brand on vehicle dashboards. We’re excited to offer you AdSync -- a visual “echo” of your radio campaign. When your ad airs, a related message appears on dashboards. AdSync makes your ad more memorable and effective.

Want to learn More?

Fill out this form and we will contact you shortly with more information about this exciting new technology and how it will enhance your advertising.

Why Quu is Good for Your Business

RDS version

HD Version

Content Partnership

  • This is a truly new, breakthrough technology. Our radio stations now offer our advertisers something you’ve never been able to do before – see your ads on the radio with a visual display that is integrated into our valued content and programming!! With this in-dash enhancement, our radio stations can uniquely communicate about your business, delivering sales messages, logos, and images (for HD stations) to our listeners’ dashboards, creating a pleasant listener experience and greater recall! The Content partnership is “Beach Front” real estate for an advertiser. A listener won’t be able to get out of the way of your brand’s message.
  • This is a premium product that enhances our station’s relationship with your potential customers and provides your brand visibility of up to two of our top-tier advertisers.
  • Your business’s message will appear during station programming about 4000 times every month! That’s about 6 times per hour and an average of 2000 minutes per month!
  • You may update your message as often as once a month!

AdSync Partnerships

Our radio stations now offer breakthrough technology that allows our listeners to see your ads on the radio while your ad is airing! With this in-dash enhancement, our radio stations can uniquely communicate more information about your campaigns, delivering sales messages, logos, and images (for HD stations) to our listeners’ dashboards, creating an enhanced listener experience and greater recall!

  • Our groundbreaking AdSync technology visually echoes your radio commercials with an in-dash message! This makes your ads more memorable and effective, just like driving past a highway billboard exactly as your radio ad plays on the air. AdSyncs reinforce branding and can be used for call-to-action messages.
  • Research shows that adding a visual message to audio boosts awareness by 63%!*
  • Our radio stations are offering this patented technology to increase listener engagement. Engaged listeners are THE key to successful radio campaigns. Engaged listers are more actively listening and more likely to respond than stations with less engaged listeners. We all know that radio advertising works and listeners buy things. Engaged listeners buy more things and respond more frequently, in fact, in this case, they are 63% more likely to remember your ad! Radio ads with ad syncs boost listener engagement while increasing the effectiveness of your client’s ad campaign.

*Nielson -